So, the end is here for our trip through Web 2.0 tools. I can't believe how much I have learned through INSYS497. I was a bit frustrated in the beginning, especially when it came to viewing these new tools on a laptop that was majorly locked down. Now, that I have full access to the tools that we have learned, I have found them extremely useful.
There are thousands of tools that I am sure I have not even heard of or will ever use, but I am hoping to continue my learning with these tools so that I can implement more of them into my life. I also have loved the presentations so far in class. Each time someone presented, I felt like an idiot because I had never heard of the tools they were presenting. I am so glad we had those presentations, because they have opened up so many more things I can do on the internet. I can't wait to get involved with Shelfari, and I definitely will be playing around with Google Lit Trips with my niece and nephew.
Most of the tools I have explored are for me to use at work, but I am happy that we learned about other tools that I could use just for socialization. Learning about Second Life was neat. And the funny thing is that after that class, my favorite author sent out an e-mail to show his Second Life character. I never would have known what that was, but we learned about it just in time!
I am also really happy we had this final project to research. I have always wanted things more organized at work. We have so many different meetings, that I feel like we just go in circles for weeks or months until someone finally makes a decision. But, with the tool I have researched, I really think we could use this to be more effective at work. We work with so many European sites, and if we had one central location where every thing relating to our project could be posted would be so helpful. This project made me find a tool, and made me write a really great Working Practice to present to management. I hope it works! I know I am going to be met with a lot of resistance, but I really think if everyone opened up their eyes and mind that they might actually move ahead with this project. We'll see!!
Thanks everyone for a great class! It went fast, but I learned so much!
Sports Massage: Elevate Recovery and Performance
3 months ago
I, too, was completely overwhelmed by the breadth of the Web 2.0 universe. I think the expansiveness of it is a good thing, I had heard about Second Life several times in several places and really looked forward to exploring it. Surprisingly, I was a little disappointed. I haven't really been able to narrow it down to a specific reason, it's just one of those things that resides in the nebulous neighborhood of "vibe". I don't know what I expected Second Life to be, but I was more impressed with some other Web 2.0 sites/tools that were much simpler, yet more meaningful, for me.
ReplyDeleteNonetheless, this course has been nothing short of an epiphany. I know I probably would have never ventured further than learning about blogs and probably responding to something that made me really angry or laugh out loud. I never, ever in a million years would have thought of starting my own blog. And I actually plan to continue blogging, albeit anonymously. I think an occasional rant about my students could be cathartic, but also career-ending if published under my given name.
It was interesting have a corporate view in the class, and realizing there are some similarities to the bureaucracy of education. I don't think I realized how controlling some companies remain. I suppose corporations don't want to let information leak out and schools don't want to let information leak in when it comes to technology. I think those two ideologies may be more similar than not.
As someone that was already immersed in the world of Web 2.0, I have to say I too learned a lot. This class gave me an opportunity to explore many tools that i had placed on the shelf to "get back to".
ReplyDeleteEven more importantly, I appreciated the opportunity of hearing the thoughts of other's. Sometime sharing the same position, sometimes not, but either way learning together.
I also was very overwhelmed at the start of this class. Actually, let me be honest, I am still overwhelmed, but for differeng reasons. At the start of the class this was all very foreign to me. Now I have angst about how I will make these tools work for me, and I am determined to make some of them work for me!!!
ReplyDeleteI have also had the chance to share with friends and family who also are on the side of this information highway! They too initially rejected the prospects, as I did, simply for fear of the unknown!
I am happy that I was able to venture with our group, and although we are from different backgrounds, we will all take this knowledge with us!
I am hopeful to move into a new role as a trainer, and plan to use some of these tools to my advantage, how exciting! I am sure that others can benefit just as I have.
There will always be new tools being developed that none of has used yet, the amount of people that are developing these possibilites seems endless. Just try and fatghom the amount of work that went into creating "Second Life", the amount of code that had to be written must be amazing. So with even more minds creating the next big thing it is hard to imagine where we will all be in ten years. The last five years have brought about changes in technology that is now becomig part of our fabric, what is around the corner, so don't feel bad about not being aware of what is out there, no one can know all that is out there. Becoming part of just some of the offferings is more than many and becoming open to what might be is more than most.